Have you ever woken up in the morning and just wondered where you would find the strength to do all you had to do that day?
Well, that was me on Wednesday............
After five hours sleep, I woke up to a new morning and my whole body ACHED. Believe me, I didn't need an Anatomy textbook to tell me where every bone and joint was ....because EVERY bone and joint ached from tiredness. What made it even worse was the realisation that:

I had a day long programme to deliver to a new client;
I had one child to pick up from a rugby tournament after school;
The two other children were to be picked up from another location after school;
Three lots of homework had to be supervised after work;
And a work-related deadline of Friday was also looming.......
To top it all, we were throwing a birthday party for my last son on Saturday (29th). Somehow, somehow that cute brown chocolate of a boy had got us to agree to throw a party for 15 kids AT HOME.... !! and just two days to the day...I hadn't bought a single thing !!!! *sigh*
After my morning prayers, I gave myself a pep talk and faced the day - handing everything over to God. My God did not fail me as that day went very well .......
I then decided to do most of the party shopping on Thursday so I would have Friday free to tie up work-related issues. Hubby was also due back Thursday so I knew he would take over anything that was left over.
Anyone who knows me, knows I hate shopping so as I entered the first shop on Thursday, I was already muttering:
'Na who send me this kind wahala, I for just beg this pickin make im do party next year !!! (Why did I get myself into this? I should have just begged my son to have his party next year instead)
However, as soon as I got to the toy shop and started looking around for his 'perfect' present, my son's face came to mind and I imagined his delight and excitement at receiving gifts; having his friends round and generally being made to feel special for ONE whole day.
At that moment, something spoke to me and said 'If you were preparing for a funeral....wouldnt you still be doing all this running around? Is it not a blessing that you are running around for a joyful celebration?'
I then recalled the Bible passage Ecclessiastes 3 (1-9):
There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens............
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance.........................
a time to mourn and a time to dance.........................
When hubby arrived, I shared my 'epiphany' with him and he loved it so I wanted to share it with you all.
I'm happy to say we had a wonderful day and even the weather was beautiful. Thanks be to God.
I know life can be so trying sometimes that we forget that every tribulation is temporary. Every situation is transient. No condition is permanent.
That is why whenever we are blessed and lucky enough to celebrate and laugh, we should do so with all our heart and might. There is a time for everything. Celebrate like its your wedding; Dance like its your last ever party and laugh like you have won the lottery.
Why? Because you can.......................someone somewhere cant.
God bless you all...........and happy birthday to all September babies out there
PS - I'm off to sleep now. My body still aches LOL