Good to see you here. I hope all is well with you?
In continuing my ramblings on 'Chasing Success', I will be
touching on my fourth L.L.S.F (Lessons Learnt So Far)
As usual I will start with a preamble:

Indeed, when God first spoke to him and told him he was to lead his people out of Egypt, his initial reaction was one of great reluctance as he asked God: “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
To convince him, God showed him some miracles, by......................:
- Turning his staff into a snake
- Transforming Moses’ hand into a leprous hand and back again
- And finally reassuring that if Pharoah did not listen, He would change water into blood
Despite this, Moses still protested...........
Exodus 4.10 “..........I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”
Despite God reassuring him, he begged................
Exodus 4.13 "Please send someone else........"
Although He was getting angry, God tried to reassure him AGAIN by highlighting the fact that his brother, Aaron – who was a great speaker could do the talking for him.......
Was that enough? No...still he protested:
Exodus 6.12....“If the Israelites will not listen to me, why would Pharaoh listen to me, since I speak with faltering lips’
I laughed when I read this because this is the man who was chosen by God to do a great deed..........and he sounded more 'zero' than 'hero'
If I were God, I would have given him a good slap and told him ‘You better do it or I will send thunder on you’ LOL
Seriously though, Moses' example shows that even the greatest amongst us is flawed - so we should not be so hard on ourselves. If God had been a mere human being, I bet he would have walked away from Moses. God saw something in Moses and that is why he chose him. There is something special in all of us.
This leads me to my fourth lesson learnt – BE AWARE OF YOUR PERSONAL BRAND - How you potray yourself often affects how others perceive you.
To drive my point home, I would like to sell you two products:
PRODUCT A is a drink with the following features:
- It is refreshing and thirst-quenching
- People say it has a very unique taste
- Lovers of this drink believe it has rejuvenating properties
- This drink is good for people who are watching their weight
PRODUCT B is a drink with the following features:
- Some feel the taste is a bit bland and boring
- People do say too much of this drink can make tummies bloat
- Certain versions of this drink can cause diarrhoea
- Taking too much of this drink has caused death in some people
- People complain that certain versions of this product can be expensive
Can you guess what the products are? Well, both Products A and B are the same: water
Yes, a product is only inviting and desirable when it is perceived as such.
Thinking of some favourite brands - Coca Cola, Dyson, Apple, Blackberry, Gala, Peak etc etc....Those who love these brands associate then with positivity. Similarly, the same applies to individuals and their 'Personal Brand':
If someone is perceived as antagonistic......or......lacking confidence .......or.......cheerful..........or........selfish........or......indicisive.........or........reliable etc etc.....He/she is generally seen in that light most of the time.
One of my favourite sayings is 'Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan' Too true. It is very easy to only remember the negatives that occur in one’s life but if that’s what you associate with yourself................What do you expect others to do?
Yes, we can all do a 'Moses' (lacking confidence, courage etc) from time to time but not everyone has the patience of God; so as we are dealing with mere mortals from day to day - we must try to portray ourselves in a positive light.
YOU are the best advocate of your personal brand:
- Celebrate your gender. There are good things about being male or female.
- Celebrate your knowledge. I learn everyday – from old and young. No one knows everything.
- Celebrate your experiences. Failure = Lessons Learnt. Setbacks = Hope for a better tomorrow.
- Celebrate YOU. No one can do YOU like you can. Manage your Personal Brand.
Hope I make sense?
I'll be back on the 5th of December for my final LLSF. Till then be safe, be nice.